Agricoop Awards Categories

The AgriCoop Awards are open to all farmers in Zambia, the awards are the biggest and most prestigious in the country. Every year we will review our awards categories to ensure they better reflect the range of achievements that deserve recognition in the rapidly-changing world of agriculture

Entries and nominations close on 30th May 2024

The Categories


The AgriCoop Farmer of the Year is the winner of winners– the most prestigious accolade in the AgriCoop Awards. Chosen from the winners of all of the individual categories, the Farmer of the Year award is given to the farmer who, out of all these winners, has impressed the AgriCoop judging panel the most – a role model for Zambian farmers.

Young Farmer of the Year

30 years or under and making a success of managing a distinct area of the family farming business – or even running your own business? The winner of this category will be making a big impact on the farming business they are involved in and demonstrating qualities that mark them out as future leaders and innovator.


Recognizing and celebrating emerging talents in the field of agriculture. This category typically focuses on individuals who have recently entered the farming sector and have shown exceptional promise, innovation, and dedication. Nominees in this category often demonstrate a commitment to sustainable and progressive farming practices, exhibit a willingness to adopt new technologies, and contribute positively to their local agricultural community. The award aims to encourage and highlight the potential of these upcoming farmers who show promise in shaping the future of agriculture through their passion, hard work, and fresh ideas.

maize FARMer of the Year

The "Maize Farmer of the Year" category in the Agricoop Awards recognizes and celebrates exceptional achievements and contributions of farmers involved in maize cultivation. This category is designed to highlight the efforts and innovations demonstrated by maize farmers who have shown outstanding performance, dedication, and sustainability practices in their maize farming endeavors.

Vegetable farmer of the year

Vegetable farming is now a key part of any farming setup with additional revenue streams essential for farms to not only survive but thrive. The winner will be a business that has been carefully planned, and meticulously implemented, and stands out from the growing crowd. They will have a strong understanding of the market, a clear vision for the future, and above all, be contributing to a sustainable farm business.


Recognizes journalists who have excelled in covering agricultural issues, innovations, and developments. Nominees in this category are evaluated based on the quality, accuracy, and impact of their reporting on agricultural topics. Successful candidates will demonstrate a deep understanding of the agricultural sector, effective storytelling, and the ability to communicate complex agricultural issues to a broader audience. The award aims to highlight the importance of informed and insightful journalism in promoting awareness, understanding, and positive changes within the agriculture industry.

Poultry farmer of the year

Successful egg, chicken, Village Chicken, or chicken meat producer demonstrating excellence in production, marketing, and welfare. Join the growing band of finalists – men and women championing best practices and flying the flag for the Zambian farming industry.

Pig farmer of the year

Successful pig producer demonstrating excellence in production, stockmanship, and management. The winning pig farmer will need to demonstrate their achievements in the past few years to deliver a business that is profitable and sustainable.

LIVESTOCK  farmer of the year

The Livestock Farmer of the Year award recognizes individuals or entities who have demonstrated exceptional dedication, innovation, and success in livestock farming. This prestigious award celebrates those who have achieved excellence in the management and production of livestock, including cattle, poultry, pigs, sheep, and other animals. Nominees for this category exhibit outstanding practices in animal husbandry, breed management, nutrition, health care, and overall farm management. The Livestock Farmer of the Year is someone who has made significant contributions to the industry, showing leadership, sustainability, and a commitment to animal welfare.

Fish farmer of the year

Successful Fish farmer with a vision for the future. The winner of this category will be producing high-quality fish to meet the ever-increasing consumer  demands.

Mechanized Small Scale Farmer of the Year.

The "Mechanized Small Scale Farmer of the Year" is an award category that recognizes and celebrates individuals who excel in small-scale farming while effectively utilizing mechanized equipment and technology in their agricultural practices. This award highlights innovation, efficiency, and sustainability in small-scale farming operations, showcasing the importance of modern agricultural practices in boosting productivity and sustainability in the agricultural sector.

Mixed Farmer of the Year

This category is for farmers and farming businesses who are running a mixed range of complimentary enterprises such as beef, arable, and poultry or dairy and arable. No single farm sector will be dominant, but there might be two or three that are equally weighted. The judges will be looking for achievements and success in quality, productivity, and profitability in each of the farming sectors – and how they work together to create one sustainable farming business.


This award is open to everyone studying an agricultural related degree, diploma or certificate course at a Zambian university or college. The individual can be in any year of their course, but must be in full-time or part-time college/university education. The judges will be looking for individuals who are bursting with talent, achieving great results, showing leadership and having a positive influence on their college, community or home farm if appropriate. Entries can come directly from individuals or from colleges/universities nominating students.


The "Agriculture Cooperative of the Year" category celebrates outstanding cooperative efforts within the agricultural community. This recognition is bestowed upon cooperatives that have demonstrated excellence in teamwork, sustainable practices, and community impact. Nominees are evaluated based on successful collaborative initiatives, innovation, and contributions to the economic and social well-being of their members. The award underscores the importance of cooperative endeavors in fostering resilience, efficiency, and shared success within the agricultural sector. It serves to honor and promote the positive influence of agricultural cooperatives in supporting farmers and rural communities.

Arable Farmer of the Year

Arable crop production refers to the systematicuse of land to grow crops. To have a consistent supply of their precious produce, farmers monitor how fertile their land is and follow a process of preparation after the previous year’s harvest examples of arable crops: Maize, Cotton, Soya Beans, and potatoes The awarded arable business is likely to be flexible, collaborative, and innovative to increase productivity and profits, despite unpredictable, weather, regulation, and market volatility. This will be someone who is harnessing and protecting the land’s natural resource to create a truly sustainable arable business in the face of ever-increasing market and environmental challenges.


The "Outgrow Scheme of the Year" category highlights exemplary initiatives that foster the development and success of outgrower schemes within the agricultural sector. This category recognizes schemes that effectively engage with small-scale farmers, providing them with resources, training, and support to enhance productivity and sustainability. Successful nominees will have to demonstrate innovation in their approach, positive impacts on participating farmers, and a commitment to promoting inclusive and equitable agricultural practices. The award celebrates outgrower schemes that contribute significantly to rural development, agricultural growth, and the overall well-being of participating communities. 

Environmental Champion of the Year

This award recognizes outstanding contributions in promoting sustainable and climate-smart agriculture. The Environmental Champion of the Year demonstrates exemplary efforts toward environmental conservation and resilient farming practices. The awards will be given to both individuals and institutions that actively promote climate-smart agriculture. Notably, the winner in this category will be selected by the esteemed panel of judges.
