March 23, 2023
Rabbit Association Zambia (RAZ) is urging the farmers in this country to diversify into Alfalfa (Lucerne) that can be used as forage for their animals especially those that are into rabbit rearing.

RAZ president Mr. Mbewe the guru in rabbit farming is appealing to the farmers out there to grow Alfalfa.

Alfalfa (Lucerne) is a very deep rooting green manure with vigorous roots that can draw up sub-surface minerals and break up soil pans. It is very good for drought-prone soils. It can overwinter once well established and will grow for a year or more.

Alfalfa Green Manure dislikes acid or wet soils but does well in dry conditions. It fixes nitrogen from the air in its root nodules and releases it once dug into the soil. It is a hardy annual that can be sown from April to July and can be grown for a few months or a year. If grown long term.

Alfalfa should be cut down 2-3 times a year to encourage new growth, the cuttings can be composted or left on the soil surface as a mulch.

Alfalfa Green Manure adds lovely organic matter to the soil but it should be dug in whilst plants are fresh and green as older woody growth does not decompose as readily valuable nitrogen is lost trying to break down the tough stems. It is part of the legume family and should be treated as such for crop rotation purposes.

Sow before nitrogen hungry crops like brassicas. Alfalfa is grown around the world as a forage crop for animals, like rabbits, cow, goats, village chickens, ducks etc. It has a highly protein content of about 18%.

You need this to reduce on feed and it's very cheap but it also has homoeopathic medicinal properties helping in the treatment of anemia & diabetes. Alfalfa sprouting seeds are also used as a crunchy topping for salads but this green manure is not fit for human consumption.

Rabbit Association Zambia (RAZ) has you covered this time and we are encouraging our farmers to plant lucerne alfalfa.  We have it in 500g, 1kg, 2kg and 50kg.



For more information call Mr. Mbewe (Mwana wa Zambia) the guru in rabbit farming on 0976 745 440.

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